Thursday, December 14, 2017

Sell ​​Photos Shutterstock


Buy or sell photos via Shutterstock
With more than 18 million photos, Shutterstock is one of the largest stock sites in the world. On Shutterstock, besides photographs, also vectors (drawings) and videos can be downloaded. For both buyers and sellers, Shutterstock is an interesting party because of the subscription structure. How this subscription structure of Shutterstock works is explained in more detail in the section 'earnings'. First of all, it will be explained below how you can register.

Sign up at Shutterstock
At Shutterstock you can sign up for free as a photographer or purchasing customer. Customers can start to download photos after taking out a subscription. Photographers must first go through an inspection before the photos, vectors or videos are included in the database. This inspection is to guarantee the quality of the Shutterstock database. For the inspection you are asked as a photographer to upload ten photos, vectors or videos. These are then assessed by Shutterstock on their technical quality (white balance, sharpness, etc.) and commercial / salable value. Within 48 hours you will hear if you have passed the inspection. Upon approval, you can immediately start uploading your work (please note: even after approval of the test, your work is inspected individually at all times and it takes 48 hours before it is in the database). There is no maximum for the number of uploadable photos at a time, so after admission you can immediately upload your entire portfolio. If you are disapproved during the inspection, you may try again 30 days later. So it takes quite a long time before you can try again, so you can also hand in your best work immediately

Register with Shutterstock as a photographer
I often hear that photographers are turned down for the first time, even though it is good work. It is only an assumption, but we often hear that photographers are rejected the first time. It could be that Shutterstock consciously rejects people the first time to attract only motivated photographers. But keep trying. Shutter stock is the best running stock site among many photographers. This is due to the subscription structure which is explained in more detail in the next section ('costs and earnings').

Mind you, there is a separate website for sellers compared to buying customers. Do you want to buy photos? Check the buyers website. Do you want to sign up as a photographer and sell?

What does a photo on Shutterstock cost?
Shutterstock works with a so-called subscription structure. This allows you as a buyer to take out a month or 3 months subscription, after which you can download 25 photos (in high resolution). For this you pay € 199 per month or € 569 for 3 months. Do not want to download 25 photos per day? Then you can also go for the 'on demand' structure. Here you can download 5 or 25 photos in high resolution, whenever it suits you. For this you pay € 39 (5 ??photos) or € 179 (25 photos).

What do you earn by selling photos via Shutterstock?
Because Shutterstock works with various purchase structures, the revenue per photo varies for a selling photographer. Do you sell a photo with a standard license (single use) by means of a month / 3 months subscription? Then you get $ 0.25 per download. Please note, the more photos you sell, the more you will eventually receive per download. Sell ??your photo with an extended license (for frequent use like in a magazine), then you get € 28 per photo. Do you sell an 'on demand' photo? Then you get a standard license between € 0.81 and € 2.85 per photo. For a complete overview of the earnings per photo you can look in the revenue model of Shutterstock.

Now I hear you thinking. What? But € 0.25 per download? That is not much…. The amount of $ 0.25 per download seems indeed low at first glance, but because buyers can download 25 photos per day, it can increase considerably. With many photographers, Shutterstock is also the leading stock site. Purely because customers are more inclined to buy photos because they have already paid the purchase price and are not confronted with the price per photo. And because Shutterstock does not
work with exclusive photographers, every photographer receives the same treatment and reimbursement. At Shutterstock, all your revenues are placed in a personal balance / credit. This can be automatically paid out for an amount of at least $ 35 (since 2015, previously it was $ 100). Payment goes through agencies such as Paypal.
“It is recommended that you look at some useful information for
you. Please click here


  1. How can I post my photography in this site?

  2. How can I earn some money by uploading my photography in this site?
